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මාසික දායකත්ව සැලසුම්
ඔබේ අවශ්යතා සඳහා ක්රියාත්මක වන සැලැස්මක් නොපෙනේද? අපි අපගේ අභිරුචිකරණයට ප්රිය කරන බව ඔබ දන්නවා, ඔබට වඩාත් සුදුසු සැලැස්මක් සැකසීමට අප අමතන්න!
Choose your pricing plan
Underwear Gear
58US$Every month3 Surprise Fabrics/Prints based on your underwear style/s preference.- Fabrics/Prints vary each month based on supplies.
- New, Pre-release, Closeout & Custom Fabrics/Prints
- Underwear styling will vary each month.
Tights Gear
160US$Every month3 Surprise Fabrics/Prints based on your tights style/s preference.- Fabrics/Prints vary each month based on supplies.
- New, Pre-release, Closeout & Custom Fabrics/Prints
- Your custom inseam length for tights
- Tights styling will vary each month.
Singlet Gear
238US$Every month3 Surprise Fabrics/Prints based on your singlet style/s preference.- Fabrics/Prints vary each month based on supplies
- New, Pre-release, Closeout & Custom Fabrics/Prints
- Your custom inseam length for singlets
- Singlet styling will vary each month
Surprise Me Package
220US$Every month4 Surprise Styles in Surprise Fabrics/Prints- 4 Different Gear Styles, including new ideas
- Mix of styles including, underwear, tight, trunk, singlet
- Styling will vary each month
- Fabrics/Prints vary each month based on supplies
- Your custom inseam length for full leg styles
Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.
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