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O la matou sitaili o le fusi o le jock na faia mo le lagolago lelei ma le mafanafana ma galuega i le mafaufau, lelei mo le galue i fafo!  _cc7819de-58d_594c58d-58d-58b-58d-594b-58d-58b-58d-58d-58d-58d-58d-58d-58d-58d-58d-58d-bd-58d d_


Ie Nylon / Spandex, E maua i le tele o lanu!

Va'ai Ie Itulau mo lanu uma e maua. 

Milikin Jock Strap

  • Nylon / Spandex Fabric, Elastic Waist, Pouch & Legs.

    All colors come with Black Elastic unless otherwise requested. 

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